Engels - Non-fictie
Resultaat 931 - 960 (van 7539)
Illustrated inventory of medieval manuscripts in Latin script in the Netherlands
J.P. Gumbert
Maps in books of Russia and Poland
Concorde Group
Els Stronks
The printed book in Brittany, 1484-1600
Malcolm Walsby
Literary cultures and public opinion in the Low Countries, 1450-1650
Fabrizio Lomonaco
Graphic satire and religious change
Joke Spaans
Medieval manuscript production in the Latin West
E. Buringh
Descartes among the Scholastics
Roger Ariew
The kaleidoscopic scholarship of Hadrianus Junius (1511-1575)
The atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem of the Austrian National Library
Shaun Gladwell
The turbulent world of Franz Göll
Peter Fritzsche
Art and science in the early modern Netherlands
Stichting Nederlandse Kunsthistorische Publicaties
The Vatican manuscript of Spinoza's Ethica
Benedictus de Spinoza
Towards a new template for Dutch history
Paul Brusse
Photographers in the Netherlands
Steven Wachlin
W.E.N. Lanphen
Peter Timmerman
Arno Kramer